Hi - I am


van Deursen

Master’s student | International Management & Enterpreneurship | Webdesign 

About me

« Le monde appartient aux audacieux et aux entreprenants. »

--- Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Hi! Thank you for visiting my website. I am a Dutch master’s student at the Université de Montpellier, France. This experience so far hasn’t only allowed me to challenge myself culturally, it has also enabled me to broaden my entrepreneurial mind and academic expertise in the field of international management, intercultural communication, and strategic business development. I am continuously looking for new learning opportunities and international adventures. 

Fun fact: I am also an avid sailor, having participated in several student competitions and working as a skipper in Greece and Kroatia during summers. Want to find more about this? Click here.

Hi! Thank you for visiting my website. I am a Dutch master’s student at the Université de Montpellier, France. This experience so far hasn’t only allowed me to challenge myself culturally, it has also enabled me to broaden my entrepreneurial mind and academic expertise in the field of international management, intercultural communication, and strategic business development. I am continuously looking for new learning opportunities and international adventures. 

Fun fact: I am also an avid sailor, having participated in several student competitions and working as a skipper in Greece and Kroatia during summers. Want to find more about this? Click here.

What I do

internationalization strategy

The international development of Small and Medium Enterprises remains a complex next step in the life cycle of businesses. My studies have provided me with a broad knowledge about this process.

web design & online marketing

As a kid, I've always loved being creative - starting to develop my webdesign skills during the summer of 2021 was only a natural next step. The latest result: this website.

intercultural management

Intercultural teams can be highly effective - when given the chance. My international experiences have shown me how intercultural management helps overcoming cultural obstacles.

English • C2
cambridge advanced certificate
Dutch• C2
native language
French • C1
rabdoud university attestation de langue
German • B2
goethe zeritifikat b2


English • C2
cambridge advanced certificate
Dutch • C2
native language
French • C1
Radboud university Attestation de langue
German • B2
Goethe zertifikat


2021 - now

Business Development intern

France-Compagnie • 4 months • analysis of strategic plan and value proposition.

Throughout the course of a 4-month internship, I analyzed France-Compagnie’s then current business model and developed possible routes for strategic innovation. Having conducted research on competition and customer needs, I was able to elaborate a new possible organisational and market approach that better fits the company as well as its’ stakeholders, that is now communicated via a new company website that I helped design.

I am currently active as project manager with France-Compagnie, in charge of communications with stakeholders, the recruitment process, and certain active client projects. 


2020 - 2022


International Management of Small/Medium Businesses

Montpellier Management • Université de Montpellier • Internationalization strategy & SME development.

Mémoire de Stage (Master 1): “Développement stratégique d’une PME/TPE néerlandaise : adaptation du business model et du plan de communication chez France-Compagnie.” (graded: 16/20)

2016 - 2020


International Business Communication

Radboud University Nijmegen • Intercultural communication in a business context.

Bachelor Thesis: “Verbal anchoring in logos: a cross-national study on the influence on French and Dutch (potential) donators’ response.” (graded: 7.5/10)

Minor: International Relations and Conflicts (18 ECTS)
Minor 2: Leadership, Management, and Innovation (18 ECTS) 
Additional Course: Cross-cultural Management & Communication (6 ECTS)

What else ?
2019 - 2020

Course Manager & Teacher

Athena Studies • Secondary education • French.

During the process of expanding Athena Studies’s services to secondary education, I developed a textbook and took the necessary first steps to set up a complete French exam preparation course for high school students.

2018 - 2020


N.S.Z.V. De Loefbijter • Editorial committee.

2017 - 2018

Commissioner External Relations & Acquisition

N.S.Z.V. De Loefbijter • Directory Board • President of Fundraising committee.

2019 - 2020

Course Manager & Teacher

Athena Studies • Secondary education • French.

During the process of expanding Athena Studies’s services to secondary education, I developed a textbook and took the necessary first steps to set up a complete French exam preparation course for high school students.

2018 - 2020


N.S.Z.V. De Loefbijter • Editorial committee.

2017 - 2018

Commissioner External Relations & Acquisition

N.S.Z.V. De Loefbijter • Directory Board • President of Fundraising committee.