“To young [wo]men contemplating a voyage … I’d say go.”
– – – Joshua Slocum

“To young [wo]men comtemplating a voyage … I’d say go.”
– Joshua Slocum
From a lifelong hobby to a first job
With our family, no holiday was ever spent on land. We rather set sail and discovered (again and again) the waters of Zeeland, Holland, where my brother made it life’s mission to catch every crab foolish enough to show himself and where me and my sister… well, were scared of them, probably.
After obtaining both a sailing and an instructor’s certificate, I joined Student Sailing Association De Loefbijter where I soon started to participate in many student sailing competitions and championships (first as jib or mainsail trimmer, later as helmsperson). Here, I discovered and seized the amazing opportunity to start working as skipper and flotilla leader in Mediterranean countries with Amorgos Zeilvakanties.
From a lifelong hobby to a first job
Experience & certificates
- Flotilla Skipper Greece & Kroatia
- Sailing instructor (ZI2 certified)
- Student Sailing Championships (NL)
- Nestor Trophy Team Racing Competition (NL)
- RYA SRC (2020)
- ICC Inland & Coastal Waters Certificate / KVBII (2019)
- KB CWO4 (2017)
- ZI2 (2017)
A dream waiting to be realised
Inspired first of all by my father, second of all by a book* he once gave me, the real goal is to someday sail around the world. Following the trade winds to Cape Verde, Panama, Polynesia… and all there is to discover in between and beyond.
Although I am far from realising this dream, first steps have already been taken. With my brother and sister I have my own ship (we started with a Dehler 22ft, now we have a 30ft Kalik – for the connoisseur) of which we make extensive use to gain some welcome experience. First step now: cross the North Sea.
* “Dat nemen ze je nooit meer af”, Ben Rutte (Hollandia). Translation: “They can’t ever take that away from you.”